BVI Jurisdictional Overview

In the British Virgin Islands there are a number of advantages to establishing an investment fund, these include:

  • A tax neutral, no capital gains
  • A stable political and economic jurisdiction
  • A respected legal system under English Common Law
  • A dedicated Commercial & Financial Services Court
  • No restrictions on investment policies, strategies, or on performance and other fee arrangements
  • No requirement to appoint local directors, representatives or auditors
  • A fast track process available for professional funds
  • Relatively low start-up and on-going fees and costs

Fund Products

  • BVI Professional Fund
  • BVI Private Fund
  • BVI Approved Fund
  • BVI Incubator Fund
  • BVI Closed-End Fund
  • BVI Management Company

Main office:

Nassau, The Bahamas

General e-mail:

Call us:

+1 242 676 6857+1 345 749 8390+1 212 729-8821
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